Ovacome, the ovarian cancer support charity, will be hosting a free Health and Wellbeing Day in Bath for anyone who has been affected by ovarian cancer. Family and friends are also welcome to attend.

Join us on Tuesday 26 November. This will be an opportunity to attend talks and workshops and to meet others affected by the disease. You are welcome to join us for as much of the day as you like. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Agenda details will be added shortly.

We are really looking forward to welcoming you. Please register below and you will receive further information by email closer to the date.

If you will need help with the cost of travel and/or accommodation, please get in touch as we offer financial assistance as part of our services. Call Freephone 0800 008 7054 or email [email protected] . We can also help to arrange your travel for you.

Please do not attend the health and wellbeing day if you have any symptoms of COVID or any other contagious illness, as some of our members are immunocompromised.


"I came out of [the event] feeling like a superwoman. All of a sudden you just think: there's all these things I can do. It's one of the most powerful things I've ever done."

- Gill who attended one of our London Health and Wellbeing Days

"Thank you for a lovely interesting day which has improved my confidence a lot."

- Caroline, who came to our Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Day

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

Free booking

Decrease Increase £0.00

Booking with £5 donation to Ovacome

Decrease Increase £5.00

Booking with £10 donation to Ovacome

Decrease Increase £10.00