Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month Every September during Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month (GCAM), Ovacome highlights ovarian cancer as one of the five gynaecological cancers. This year, we’re highlighting that on average, it is 12 weeks from someone experiencing a symptom to seeing a GP about their concerns. We know there can be lots of reasons for this, but we also know that 66% of people hadn't heard of ovarian cancer, or knew anything about it, prior to their diagnosis. We’re asking you to help us change that by reaching as many people as possible with the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, and fundraising so we can continue our work. 7,500 people will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year and 9 out of 10 of them will experience symptoms prior to their diagnosis. By reaching them with this campaign, we could help them understand their symptoms earlier than they might have done before. How can you help? Walk with Us This GCAM, we're aiming to raise £97,000 which could help us to reach more than one million people with awareness and information materials. We'll do this by printing our magazine three times a year, publishing information about ovarian cancer on our website and in our 50 information booklets, and circulating awareness materials in local communities. We're asking you to take inspiration from our Walk With Me group and Walk With Us, setting yourself a sponsored walking goal, joining in our event in the West Midlands - or a combination of the two! Do it yourself! Set yourself a challenge and choose how far you walk each day, week or across the month. Get inspired by the number '12' to raise awareness of the length of time between symptoms appearing, and someone seeing a GP. Could you walk 1.2 miles every day? Cover 120 miles over the month? Join up with friends to meet a 12-mile a week target? Or commit to walking 12,000 steps a day? Set your challenge, tell your contacts and raise funds for Ovacome. Get started Walk With Us Prefer to join an organised walk? On 28 September we'll be bringing the Ovacome community together at Cannon Hill Park in Birmingham. As well as raising funds and awareness for Ovacome, you'll have the opportunity to meet others with a diagnosis as well as some of the Ovacome team. There's no obligation to fundraise, but if you commit to raising £100, you'll receive an Ovacome T-shirt and wristband. Get started Walking not your thing? That's okay! There's still lots of ways to raise funds. Take a look at our fundraising ideas page to get your creativity flowing. Don't forget to let us know what you're planning on doing by emailing [email protected] Want to support us financially but can't fundraise this year? You can sponsor someone in the community taking on a challenge, or donate online. Donate Image credit: Bridger Film and Photography Share your symptom Throughout GCAM, we'll be sharing your experiences of the B.E.A.T symptom awareness campaign but we need your help. Would you be happy sharing what symptom made you go and seek help? Contact us on [email protected] and tell us more about your experiences. We know that some people don't experience signs and symptoms, in September, we'll also be sharing some of the work we're doing to support the clinical community in developing different ways to diagnose ovarian cancer. Order awareness materials Could you help more people learn the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer? Around 7,500 people every year are diagnosed. Earlier stage diagnosis can improve outcomes. Could you put up our B.E.A.T awareness posters in your local community? Order awareness materials We also have awareness materials available in the following community languages, spoken widely in the UK: Polish, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Arabic, and Chinese languages. Order awareness materials in community languages. Manage Cookie Preferences