Two hands holding a cardboard replica of the female reproductive system

Help fund more services and events near you

Help us raise £17,300 this Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month so that we can continue to work at a local and regional level, to provide support and information for those affected by ovarian cancer.

By donating to this Ovacome appeal, you’ll be providing more opportunities for those affected by ovarian cancer to connect locally with others.

September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month in the UK, a time to increase visibility of ovarian cancer, but also to ensure better support for those affected.

Ovacome is a national UK charity providing country-wide services, but we also deliver support at a local level. We do this by regularly asking our community where more support is needed and where they would like future events and groups to be held.


In the last year we have:

  • Partnered with 110 regional organisations and community groups.
  • Given direct support to 1,545 people locally.
  • Raised awareness of signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer to 677,473 individuals regionally. 


Members of the Ovacome community agree that being able to meet people face-to-face in their local area is invaluable.

One Ovacome service user said:

"Many, many thanks for a really enjoyable group session yesterday. To be there in person was a real treat and to provide transport for me was so generous and very much appreciated."


Local clinicians find this support invaluable too:

"Supporting the emotional wellbeing of those diagnosed with ovarian cancer is as crucial as providing support at diagnosis and through treatment. Working in partnership with Ovacome has been the linchpin in achieving a platform for women to have a voice about their reality of living with ovarian cancer in a safe and open environment locally. As a Gynae-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist to have the invaluable commitment from Ovacome in setting up and sustaining the Coventry Support Group whilst providing the group the national recognition could not have been fulfilled alone”.


All our services are free to access and we provide financial assistance to members who would otherwise not be able to access local support (e.g. by covering travel costs to support groups/events).

Whatever you can afford to donate this Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month will be gratefully received. When you donate through this page, 100% of your donation will go towards supporting people at a local level with the services they need, when they need it most.

Thank you so much.