On Saturday 10th August 2024, me, my friends and family will be completing a 20 mile walk from Whitby to Saltburn to raise money for Ovacome - a charity very close to my heart.

In March 2023, I was diagnosed with low-grade ovarian cancer which is unfortunately incurable. I have received chemotherapy, immunotherapy and had a successful second surgery in November 2023. I am currently feeling well and managing the cancer thanks to the medication Letrozole. 

Ovacome provides life-changing information and support to woman living with ovarian cancer and is constantly working to raise awareness about the often-misinterpreted signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, for which there is no screening test. This is absolutely vital to me as hopefully this can give me as much time as possible with my lovely friends, family, partner Jonny and my 3 year old son Jesse. 

No-one ever wants to be in this position and it breaks my heart that we are all going through it. If love could save me, I’d be here forever. So please, donate what you can. Share this story with your friends, families, colleagues or anyone who may wish to donate. 

Last year I was absolutely blown away with the support and would like to thank every single person for walking, donating, sharing and supporting. I love you all!

Emma Walker