I'M A SURVIVOR. A WARRIOR. A TEAL SISTER. I beat stage 3 Ovarian Cancer (You can read my CANCER/CHEMO JOURNEY here
https://1drv.ms/w/s!ArYAjRyubqD4nX11eHSyyDNeEBCx). Ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest female cancers. Claiming more lives than other gynaecological cancers added together. It carries a 65% recurrence rate. The 5 year survival is 35-40% as it's usually detected at later stages due to it's symptoms very often being mistakenly diagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I’m raising funds for Ovacome, the national UK charity focused on providing support and information to anyone affected by this disease. Ovacome is an informative community for those who have been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, those who think that they might be at risk, friends and family, and healthcare professionals. Ovacome receives no government funding and so relies on its donors and fundraisers to make its life-changing work possible. Your generosity could help someone affected by ovarian cancer access the vital support and resources they need. It would mean a lot to me if you could share my fundraising page with your friends, family, colleagues and on your social media. Thank you so much. Together we can make a real difference! Spire London East