I recently had to have a biopsy and coloscopy following my abnormal screening results which thankfully I have now been given the all clear from but it highlighted to me the importance of checkups and listening to your body.

I didn't know that Ovarian Cancer is not tested for in screenings and can go undetected because it can be hard to diagnose as the symptoms can be similar to other conditions, Many may have had symptoms for months but dismissed them as digestive problems or signs of the menopause or getting older. Most people are diagnosed when their cancer has spread, but earlier stage diagnosis can improve outcomes.

Getting Ovacome’s straightforward message about the signs and symptoms to anyone born with ovaries is vital. The B.E.A.T. campaign is great way to spread awareness of the signs:

B is for bloating that doesn’t come and go

E is for eating difficulty and feeling full more quickly

A is for abdominal and pelvic pain you feel most days

T is for toilet changes in urination or bowel habits

Please look out for the signs and take care of yourselves and your loved ones.

Jo Dickie