We thoroughly enjoyed getting to see more of you face-to-face in 2023 and we absolutely agreed with your feedback that we need to increase the number of these events we have available for you to attend across the country. Already in 2024 we have five Health and Wellbeing Days and two awareness raising community events, along with our Members Day in the diary. Our planning has taken us to the end of the summer so far, and we will add more events before the year is out. 

If you've never been to a Health and Wellbeing Day before, you can expect to learn from experts about looking after your health and wellbeing both during and after treatment, as well as the opportunity to meet other people with ovarian cancer from your local community. We recently published a blog post about what happened at our West Midlands Day, held in Dudley at the end of November 2023

Here's how the 2024 diary looks:

Health and Wellbeing Events

Awareness Raising Community Events

Member Day

  • Saturday 18 May, London

Booking for the London events is already open, and we will send communications to all members as other events open for bookings. Use the hyperlinks in the list above to take you to the appropriate pages to book your place and if you're particularly interested in one of the events listed, please email [email protected] and we can inform you when booking goes live or sign up as a member, if you aren't already.

All events are free to attend. If you require any assistance with transport and travel, either financially or finding your way to the venue, then please give our office team a call on 0207 299 6654 or email [email protected], they will be pleased to help. 

If your town, city or county is not listed above and you want us to do something local to you then please contact us to tell us.

And if you can't attend any of these days, and would be interested in health and wellbeing sessions online, then have a look at our staying connected online events - choose from sessions such as yoga and gentle exercise, to crafts, creative writing and music for relaxation.